Two hard-core Maoists, including a woman, surrendered before the police here on Saturday and exposed the sham promises made by the Maoists. Superintendent of Police, Brajesh Kumar Rai, informed that Radhika Biswakarma alias Ramvati, (19) of Kundai village under Kundai Police station, and Ramesh Markam alias Amar (22) of Dantewada police limit of Chattisgarh, both of them working in Mainpur Divisional Committee (MDC) of the CPI (Maoist), which is active in Nabarangpur and Nayapada district of Odisha and Dhamtari, Gariabandh district of Chattisgarh were surrendered today.
According to the surrendered rebels "The Maoists have deviated from their ideology. Now they are more involved in extorting money and murdering people. Also, we did not get the promised monthly payment from the organization we were harassed by the Maoist leaders particularly by the Telugu’s. The female cadres were subjected to sexual exploitations. They were compelled to torture the innocent people of villages those who did not obey them which forced us to return to mainstream society."
We saw the leaflets distributed in the recent Jana Samparka Sibiras at different places about the prevailing surrender policy and rehabilitation package of the government finally decided to withdraw ourselves from Naxals organization and surrendered before police, said the surrendered rebels. The SP Mr. Rai, awarded Rs. 5 thousand each from Red cross society and they will be rehabilitated according to the rules of State Government he added.
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